Thursday, November 10, 2016


Allen Fisher, March 2016

                                      For Mamadali Makhmudov in Uzbekistan

I set out through dust

Walked out on the brown street

Tried to cover ground in quiet pace

I’m sorry I haven’t written lately

In the distance the horizon dropped to show the sun

A meniscus in my experience was a weariness

Curve of the Earth only imagined at this moment

Thought of a van of travel to clear sky birds

Heard the rush of water from a distance

Wanted to slowly stop and rest

Energy ahead describes a sand storm

Grains of rock in my teeth gaps and mouth

Try to keep pace with rising air heat

Now that the silk route is for motor heads

Losses in the speed of accomplishment

Wonder to hear the voice of my partner

Soon there will be plants even trees

Soon there will be a second horizon

How the colour of breath changes

Glistens on turquoise on lapis

Patterns break patterns in front of me

Hear the dust lift and drop

Imagine the accident of cloud cover

Pale yellows contrast pale blues

Keep walking keep building

Soft hands contrast soft neck

The taste of plov in the market

Smell the brown ovoids of cotton


I set out through rust

Walked out with brown feet

Tried to cover ground in peace

I’m sorry I haven’t bitten lately

In the distance the horizon drop removed the sun

A meniscus in my experience was a misericord

Curve of the Earth only imagined in this energy

Thought of a van of travel to clear sky beads

Heard the rush of water from a drain

Wanted to slowly stop and rest

Energy ahead describes a sand bath

Grains of rock in my teeth gaps and mucus

Try to keep pace with rising air beat

Now that the silk route is a memory

Losses in the speed of access

Wonder to hear the voice of my partner

Soon there will be plants even peas

Soon there will be a second opportunity

How the colour of breath repeats

Glistens on turquoise on sapphire

Patterns break patterns in the local

Hear the dust lift and crop

Imagine the accident of rain clouds

Pale yellows contrast pale stems

Keep walking keep from burning

Soft hands contrast soft shins

The taste of plov in a marble bowl

Smell the brown ovoids now forgotten


I set out tough rust

Walked out worn brown feet

Tried to stretch in peace

I’m sorry hesitant bitten lately

In the distance hazard drop removed the sun

A meniscus interfaced was a misericord

Curve of the Earth a boney image in this energy

Thought of advantage to clear sky beads

Heard the rattle from a drain

Wanted to low drop and rest

Energy ahead defines a sand bath

Grains of rock beneath gaps and mucus

Try to keep pace surprising air beat

Now that the milk road is a memory

Losses in seeds of access

Wonder to hear the choice of my partner

Soon there will be plantains  even peas

Soon there will be fecund opportunity

How the colour in rest repeats

Glistens on gold on sapphire

Patterns break patterns in the local

Hear the crust shift and crop

Imagine eidetic rain clouds

Pale yellows are fast pale stems

Keep walking kept on burning

Soft hands in vast soft shins

The taste of pilaf in a marble bowl

Smell the brown voids now forgotten


It settles tough rust

Worked out worn brown feet

Tired and stretch in peace

Sore worry hesitant bitten lately

In the dust hazard drop removed the sun

A meaning interfaced was a misericord

Curse of the birth a boney image in this energy

Wrought advantage to clear sky beads

Burden rattle from a drain

Won through low drop and rest

Bendy in the head defines a sand bath

Brains in shock beneath gaps and mucus

Tired creep pace surprising air beat

Shower on the milk road is a memory

Crosses and seeds of access

A sunder hear the choice of my partner

Boon share plantains even peas

Boon share will be fecund opportunity

Howling other in rest repeats

Listens to gold on sapphire

Patterns break patterns in the local

Heat of crust shift and crop

In rage eidetic rain clouds

Veiled mellows are fast pale stems

Sleep talking kept on burning

Frost and vast soft shins

Paste in pilaf in a marble bowl

Shell and frown voids now forgotten


It settles tough dust

Worked out worn brown street

Tired and stretch in quiet pace

Sore worry hesitant bitten lately

In the dust hazard drop removed the sun

A meaning interfaced was a weariness

Curse of the birth a boney image in this moment

Wrought advantage to clear sky birds

Burden rattle from a distance

Won through low drop and rest

Bendy in the head defines a sand storm

Brains in shock beneath gaps and mouth

Tired creep pace surprising air heat

Shower on the milk road is for motor heads

Crosses and seeds of accomplishment

A sunder hear the choice of my partner

Boon share plantains even trees

Boon share will be fecund horizon

Howling other in rest changes

Listens to gold on lapis

Patterns break patterns in the local

Heat of crust shift and drop

In rage eidetic rain cover

Veiled mellows are fast pale blues

Sleep talking kept on building

Frost and vast soft neck

Paste in pilaf in the market

Shell and frown voids now cotton

Mamadali Makhmudov was one of the longest serving prisoners on PEN’s case-list
when he was unexpectedly released in April 2013 after more than 14 years in prison

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